Personal Safety

Basic Street Sense
- Wherever you are - on the street, in an office building or shopping mall, driving, waiting for a bus or subway - stay alert and tuned in to your surroundings.
- Send the message that you're calm, confident, and know where you're going.
- Trust your instincts. If something or someone makes you uneasy, avoid the person or leave
- Know the neighborhoods where you live and work. Check out the locations of police and fire stations, public telephones, hospitals, or stores that are open late.
- Look confident. Walk with your head up, as if you know where you are going. Keep your hands free - don't walk about with them in your pockets.
- Keep to well-used roads. Don't use alleyways or short cuts.
- Think ahead and plan your journey, avoiding deserted areas.
- In the dark, always stick to well-lit areas.
- If you think you are being followed, cross the road.
- If you start to be frightened, try not to panic. Always try to think around situations.
Public Transport
- Use well-lighted, busy stops.
- If someone harasses you, don't be embarrassed. Look for help around you.
- Watch who gets off with you. If you feel uneasy, walk directly to a place where there are other people.
Travel Tips
- It is always worth letting someone know where you are going, the route you intend to take and when you expect to return. Plan your journeys - work out how to get there and back.
- Put aside enough money for the return fare.
- If you lose your fare money or ticket, speak to the driver/guard/ticket officer and explain. Carry some identification on you to prove that you are genuine.
- Never be tempted to walk home alone, especially if it's dark or you are unsure of the area.